Browsing Category Mom Life

22 Items on My Kitchen Table Right Now

Do you ever find that after spending time on the internet, you sometimes come away feeling inadequate, boring and like a filthy slob who has holes in the inner thighs of all of your jeans?

(Not talking about anyone in particular here. Definitely not. I don’t even wear jeans anymore. Probably because of all the holes.)

You know how it goes. You start out on Facebook. Or Instagram. Or Pinterest. You click on a link for educational activities for your child (and by this I mean recipes for red velvet brownies.) And then you keep clicking, and clicking, and before you know it, you’re caught in this weird lifestyle blog loop full of beautiful homes, amazing homemade meals, stylish clothes and people who wash their hair on a regular basis.

And then you take a look around your apartment, which has multiple futons being used as furniture, and you’re left feeling kind of weird and lame and like you should be doing more. Cooking more. Cleaning more. Exercising more. Wearing actual pants more. Owning copper clawfoot tubs more.

It can mess with you a bit.

This, my friends, is not a post that will mess with you. 

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The Secret to Perfect Naps–Every Time!

If there is one thing that is constantly on your mind during that first year of parenthood, it’s SLEEP.

When will the baby sleep? When will YOU sleep? Sleep when the baby sleeps. Sleeping through the night. Nap sleep. Night sleep. Sleep sacks. Sleepers. Sleep associations. Sleep sheep. Sleepwalking. Sleeping bags. Sleepovers. Birthday parties. Pizza parties! Pizza pockets. Cake. Oh, I love a bit of cake.
What are we talking about again? I’m so tired and hungry.

Oh yes.

That ever elusive sleep.

It’s a doozy of a subject, right?

It’s the topic that I receive the most amount of emails about (except for all of the questions about Merle Haggard. This blog is still not about Merle Haggard. Unless you think I should make it about Merle Haggard? We’ll see how the next few months go), so I figured it was high time that I shared my tried and tested method for naps, which works almost every time.

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Which Member of the Baby-Sitters Club Would You Hire?

I may not be leaving an inheritance, land, properties, assets, or practical knowledge of any sort to my daughter, but she WILL be receiving my collection of beloved, tattered young adult novels. I’m talking Sweet Valley High. Anastasia Krupnik. The Gymnasts. The American Girl series. You want Beverly Clearly? I got her. Danziger? Duh. But the crowning glory of this collection is a mostly intact run of books 1-70 of The Baby-Sitters Club, including Super Specials, Mysteries and a few of those weird Portrait books. It will all be yours one day, dear child.

This brings up the obvious question:

Which Member of The Baby-Sitters Club Would You Hire?

Let’s go through the options.

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15 Things I Learned in My First Year of Motherhood

Towards the end of my big, fat, long, hot, sick, swollen pregnancy, I started to finally feel that I was ready to do that whole “giving-birth-and-entering-motherhood” thing.

I had read the books.

Did the prenatal classes.

Had my weight recorded loudly by the receptionist at my OB’s office approximately 800 times. (Tell me, please, WHY would you put the scale in the always-crowded waiting room? What a cruel bit of interior design clearly not planned by a pregnant woman.)

I had studied the blogs; watched The Business of Being Born.

I knew some things.

I knew not to buy too many newborn-sized clothes or diapers because my baby might be huge and not fit into them. (I didn’t need to worry; she was 8 pounds and wore them for a month.)

I knew I didn’t want a C-section. (That’s how it works, right? You decide how you want your birth to go and you write it on your birth plan?…totally ended up with a C-section.)

I knew I would be too tired to cook, so I made three freezer meals. (Oh good…all set.)

I knew I would want to drink lots of coffee, so I bought a better coffee maker. (This was probably the one smart thing I did.)

I knew there would be no sleep, lots of diaper changes, spit up, and some crying.

I knew it would be hard. I thought I was prepared. (You just keep eating dessert with every meal and telling yourself that, dear…)

Approximately one hour after giving birth, I knew I was not prepared.

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