Posts tagged new mom

My 7 Biggest Struggles as a New Mom

That first year as a new mom is a completely life-altering experience.

Holding your baby for the first time.

Just living off of that sweet new baby scent.

Soft, quiet, blissed-out cuddles.

The first smile. That first laugh. The first word. (Seriously, “dog”? I CREATED YOU)

There is absolute joy beyond measure.

Happy Baby

I mean, come ON. Just look at that face.

But man, if it isn’t also one of the toughest years of your life.

And maybe you’re in a phase right now where it’s more tears than smiles.

Where you’re ending each day feeling like a failure and also like you stress-ate an entire cake on the couch while Googling “whatever happened to the cast of Family Matters?”  (Just an example, okay? Just an example.)

Maybe you need to read that it’s okay if you feel like you’re struggling, and HARD.

That it’s okay if you feel like you aren’t a natural at being a mother.

That it’s okay to want a break. To feel like you’re not strong enough. To count the hours until bed time. To not embrace every single moment, because holy cow, that’s a lot of moments.

For those of you currently in the trenches, let’s talk about the struggle.

Here are the seven biggest struggles that I faced as a new mom.

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